The Maryland I AM STEM Alliance and the MDMoonshot webpage are a project of the Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) Network. MOST is a statewide youth development organization dedicated to increasing quality and equity of access for after-school and summer learning opportunities for Maryland’s school age youth.
One of MOST’s key initiatives is helping to build the capacity of out-of-school time programs to offer high quality STEM learning opportunities. STEM in out-of-school time is a bridge between youth development and education that offers young people “hands-on, minds-on” learning opportunities. The out-of-school time environment is perfectly suited for students to pursue STEM avenues and inspire further exploration of STEM careers.
This project was made possible by an initial grant from the Million Girls Moonshot initiative supported by the STEM Next Opportunity Fund, intel, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the C.S. Mott Foundation, Qualcom, and Lyda Hill Philanthropies.
The website was built with the help of two interns working with Code in the Schools, a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to quality computer science education across Baltimore.
The website was built with the help of two interns working with Code in the Schools, a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to quality computer science education across Baltimore.
We advance STEM Learning Statewide by:
- Sharing info on grants, new research, and out-of-school time STEM events and programming through our E-Newsletter, website and social media.
- Providing STEM AmeriCorps VISTAs to enhance program capacity building and resources
- Serving on the Executive Committee for BmoreSTEM- Baltimore’s STEM Ecosystem effort.
- Supporting STEM Partners on Quality & Data Collection Supports in partnership with Partnerships in Education and Resiliency (PEAR)
- Launching new initiatives as part of the national Million Girls Moonshot project to attract and engage girls in STEM.
Images throughout this site are sourced from the If/Then collection, a digital asset library of women STEM innovators for educational and other noncommercial use.